Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's working!

About six weeks ago, I posted about my rather unorthodox training plan to reduce Maisy’s reactivity. In that entry, I said that Maisy had learned that a bark-n-lunge would be rewarded if she turned back to me immediately. As a result, my trainers and I theorized that I had created a rather undesirable little behavior chain.

Since the easiest way to get rid of undesirable behaviors is through extinction, we created a two-pronged plan. First, I ignored the bark-n-lunge. I didn’t call her back to me, I didn’t reward her for returning to me voluntarily, and I didn’t even look at her when she did the whole I’m pretending to be reactive routine. Second, I very heavily reinforced appropriate behaviors, both proactively as a counter-conditioning measure and as a reward when she chose them instead of a bark-n-lunge.

Now, as a reminder, I know this isn’t the typical method of dealing with a reactive dog, and it isn’t the course of action I would normally recommend, or even follow. I did this under the guidance of two highly qualified and experienced trainers. If you’re dealing with a dog who barks, growls and/or lunges at people, dogs or things, I highly recommend that you seek help from a good positive reinforcement trainer.

Okay, with the disclaimer out of the way, I am so pleased to report that the preliminary results are in…

At first, Maisy seemed quite confused. A behavior which had reliably paid off for her in the past was no longer producing the results she was hoping for. As the first week wore on, she became increasingly frustrated, and on the fourth and fifth days she demonstrated an extinction burst.

On both days, we were at a local pet store that has a large training ring that you can rent by the hour, working on jumps and heeling past distractions. On both days, Maisy saw a trigger and had a huge reaction- no, it was an overreaction. Something that would normally get several barks was treated to an extended round of barking and growling. It was actually quite embarrassing, as I knew I had to ignore it, but the trigger- in both cases a person carrying a large bag of dog food- looked at Maisy with some reservation. More than that, since I had to completely and utterly ignore Maisy’s behavior, I continued my heeling pattern (sans dog), which probably made me look quite crazy! At the time, I was fairly certain that I was seeing an extinction burst, but I wasn’t sure if it was going to get worse or not.

Thankfully, it has not. As the weeks have gone on, she has continued to try the behavior out occasionally. However, both the frequency and intensity of her reactions have dramatically gone down. For example, she’s been to two trials during that period. In both cases, despite being stressed, she held herself together and only had one minor outburst at each trial. They each consisted of a brief bark, a small lunge, and then a self-interruption. And, even more exciting, this week she got through our entire reactive dog class without a single bark, lunge, growl, huff or wuff. She was truly amazing!!

I don't think Maisy will every be a completely normal dog. I know that she will have days where she regresses and falls back on her old behavior patterns, especially when stressed. I also know that there will be days that I have to manage her more than others. And, of course, I know that my first priority will always be to help her feel safe and secure, a task which will require eternal vigilance on my part.

We still have a lot of work left to do. As the reactive behavior has reduced, she has shown more behaviors that look like poor impulse control. She is doing a lot of “friendly lunging”-she’s pulling and straining towards things while on leash, but with huge, sweeping tail wags, and more importantly, quietly. She now looks ill-mannered rather than aggressive. The interesting thing is that what she’s doing now is very similar to how she behaved as a puppy.

At this point, we have been working Control Unleashed exercises for about a year, and realistically, I expect that we have at least another six to twelve months of hard work ahead of us. For example, I’m hoping to increase the duration of calm periods so that I'm not constantly shoveling treats in her mouth. I also need to help her learn to demonstrate calm behavior with increasing amounts of stress. Of course, each time the environment gets busier, I need to decrease my duration criteria, so I think we’re entering a period in which the level of reinforcement ebbs and flows based on the environmental distractions going on. This will take a level of training sophistication that I intellectually understand, but will need to practice to get it right... which, of course, will lead to the inevitable setback.

Even so, I am so thrilled with the progress Maisy has made, and can’t wait to continue to learn and grow with her. I am determined to put in the time and effort to help Maisy feel and act better. She is a truly amazing dog, and she deserves it.


  1. That's really great that she's showing progress! I have a reactive dog as well that I compete in agility with and we're just starting into obedience training. So I can totally understand what you're going through!

  2. Hi Lindsay!

    It's so much work, sometimes, to have a reactive dog. It's always nice when people understand that. We've been thinking about trying some agility soon, but right now we just do rally.

    What have you done to help your reactive dog?

  3. That's so great!!!! I am thrilled to hear that Maisy is doing well with your program! It must be such a relief to see the positive changes in her for not only her sake but for YOURS as well. It can be so frustrating at times to put in all this work so I'm glad it's starting to pay off nicely.

    Vito's sep anxiety and occasional stranger danger seems like such a small amount of work to dealing with a reactive dog. Unfortunatly for me I'm having to rework some of his sep anxiety at my new job since I want to eventually bring him with me on the days we have classes afterward. So back to baby steps it is!

  4. Laura, it is a lot of work, and it's emotionally exhausting at times, but... it's not so bad. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I have a GREAT dog.

  5. I took some private lessons with two different trainers who had two slightly different methods of dealing with his reactiveness and also read the book Click to Calm. One trainer had me use really high value treats and toys. She had him on a long line and I was the one who would get his attention back when he got distracted or fixated on another dog. We stayed outside of a dog park during a low key time. Not a huge amount of dogs, but enough to set him off. We worked him at low threshold and slowly worked him closer. The high value treats and toy got his attention back real fast so that he eventually got to the point that he would rather focus on me and ignore the other dogs for the chance to get to play with the toy or get a super yummy treat.

    The other trainer took more of an obedience approach. Basically working him on exercises at low threshold and gradually working him closer. I think that really helped him to learn to develope "work mode." Once he's there, it's much more fun for him to focus on me and get to do fun things than it is to focus on another dog.

    It's always a work in progress and I will never 100% trust him in all situations, but I'm pleased with where he's at. I do have to say that having a reactive dog has given me a whole new perspective on things. In some ways I'm thankful that I'm more aware. In others, it's hard to have that added stress all the time.

  6. I understand completely. I will never be able to let down my guard entirely with Maisy, and trials are especially tiring for me- she can't just go in a crate and chill like other dogs- but I have learned SO MUCH from her. She's definitely made me a better trainer.

  7. That's awesome!

    Bailey is reactive/aggressive, but over the years, with varied approaches she's learned how to trial, live, and socialize. Before LAT was popular, I taught her a default front position when she saw another dog, she wasn't allowed to notice them. Good or bad, it taught her that no dog would be able to get to her. She can now work around other dogs, even dogs sniffing her, and ignore them.

    If Bailey can learn to crate at trials, I think Maisy can too!

    I love hearing stories like this. Super progress stories!


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