Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wordless Weekend: Have I ever mentioned we live in Minnesota?


  1. LOL! My sis-in-law is from Minnesota. She always talks about how the snow there is so different than the snow here. My little brother says here when there is four feet of fresh snow you ski THROUGH it with the snow at your waist. She says in Minnesota the snow is so wet that it packs hard- guess that's why Maisy is not swallowed up! Very cute!

  2. Interesting, Katie. You're in... Utah? right? This is actually pretty fluffy snow, but it is packing enough for Maisy to get on top.

  3. Yup, Utah. And our snow here is not called powder for nothing. Sometimes you can't even make a snowball its so light and fluffy.

  4. We don't have snowball weather today, but it's packing decently.

  5. This is SUCH an awesome picture! All the ones I have of Dahlia are just her buried in it, but the "Queen of the Hill" photo kicks ass!

  6. She does look rather regal, doesn't she?

    All I have to say is that it's a good thing that Maisy isn't the type to run away. Our fence is BURIED in places.

  7. Don't think you need to mention it based on this photo. That mountain has MN written all over it!

    (Thanks for your good thoughts for Layla, too!)

  8. Maisy is adorable on top of that snow pile.


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