Monday, May 14, 2012

Lunch on the Patio

I hope you'll forgive me for posting so many brags lately. It's just that Maisy has become a far more normal dog than I ever expected, and I don't want to take it for granted. A few weeks ago, we did something I never thought would be possible: we ate lunch on a restaurant patio.

Maisy was a little super star. I tethered her to my chair, put a blanket down for her, and she just... laid there. Okay, and she begged a little for food, but I mean... this is Maisy we're talking about, the world's most spoiled dog. Heck, restaurants are for eating, right?

But she also chilled, just hanging out like she'd done this every day of her life. The restaurant patio was actually just on the sidewalk, with no barrier between the tables and the world at large. She watched people walk by, bicyclists speed past, and cars and trucks on the road. She saw other people eating. She flirted with our server. And she was a very good girl.

I have invested a lot in this silly little dog; lots of time and money, plenty of tears and frustration, and... it's all paying off. I am so proud of us both.


  1. It's so amazing to watch them progress and it always shows itself in stunning ways. Something you totally expect to be a challenge, they just suddenly breeze through it as if they had never reacted in a similar situation.

  2. That's so wonderful! High praise to you both. Little moments like that are so deeply rewarding.

  3. You never have to apologize for bragging! That's part of what this dog blogging thing is all about, frankly ;)

    I'm so happy to hear about Mayzie, and how well she's doing!

  4. She looks great so relaxed and content. :) Amazing reflection of your dedication to her.

  5. You deserve to brag! This is a testament to the huge amounts of training and work you've put in to help Maisy become a happy, normal dog. Kudos!



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