Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Gotcha Day, Maisy!

I'm coming out of hiatus temporarily (sorry, it's going to be another few months before I'm posting regularly again) to wish Maisy a happy gotcha day! That's right, six years ago today, I brought this little cutie home with me:

Snow is fun!
Late February 2007

What is this stuff?
Late February 2007

Now, of course, she looks something like this:

Photo courtesy of Megan.
Yes, this one was on Facebook over the weekend, but it cracks me up! 

Photo courtesy of Megan.
Maisy, happy and confident with other dogs!

To say that Maisy is the best thing that ever happened to me might sound dramatic. But it's also true. She has brought so much happiness and love in to my life, both directly, and through the people I've met because of her.

Here's to many more years together!


  1. Happy Gotcha Day, and thanks for giving us a name for that special day! It's GREAT to have you back if only for a quick post; we miss you!!! Hope 2013 is starting well for you, and that it keeps you and yours happy and healthy all year long.

  2. Eek, I'm way behind! I wanted to wish you a belated Happy Gotcha Day!


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