Problem behaviors in animals can vary
widely; beyond aggression, which we’ve discussed in previous Shedd
Seminar installments, behavior problems can range from inappropriate
elimination to fear to resource guarding to a trained behavior simpy
falling apart. Ken said that when solving problem behaviors, you
should have some kind of system in place to ensure that you aren’t
missing something. The particular system doesn’t matter so much as
the fact that you use one that makes sense to you.
Don’t have one? No problem! Ken
shared his five-step plan to solving problems. And the most important
steps are the first three; most problem solving fails because people
don’t spend enough time creating a solid plan before they try to
implement it.
Identify the Problem
It might seem obvious that the first
step is to identify the problem, but this is not as easy as it
sounds. Behavior is complex, with many parts, and often only certain
parts need fixing. Break it down. Look for patterns. Ask others for
their feedback (what do your kids, baby-sitters, housekeepers,
friends, etc. think?). Write a thorough description, including what
the behavior looks like. How is the animal
misbehaving? What are they refusing to do or doing wrong?
You also need to accept responsibility.
Labels often get in the way of finding solutions; they become excuses
that trainers feel absolves them of responsibility. In turn, this
makes it harder to fix. One way to do this is to shift your thinking.
Instead of trying to figure out what’s wrong with the animal, ask
yourself why you can’t train the animal.
Determine the Cause
There can be many, many reasons that a
problem behavior begins. Although knowing the cause may not help you
solve the problem, sometimes there is a very simple fix, so it’s
worth trying to figure out. Ken presented a systematic method
(developed by Desmond and Laule) that can help trainers look for the
causes of a problem. There possible categories are: Environmental
(weather, facility changes, prop changes), Social
(dominance/submission, aggression from another animal, competition
for resources, sexual activity), Psychological (boredom,
superstitious behaviors, genetic issues), Physical (health, changing
abilities in vision or muscles, illness), Trainer (skill level,
attitude, emotions), Session Use (length, frequency, pacing), and
Regression (which is a normal part of learning).
Consider the Balance of
Every problem has two ways of looking
at it. On one hand, a desired behavior may not be happening if it is
being punished. On the other, an unwanted behavior can be reinforced.
These usually aren’t things the trainer is doing (and when it is,
the trainer probably isn’t doing it on purpose). Often, the
environment, including other people or animals, contributes to this.
Think about the problem in terms of
what you would like the animal to do. Then make two lists: things
that reinforce the behavior and things that punish it. Increase the
reinforcers, and decrease the punishers. Doing so should tell you a
lot about what motivates your animal. (Three big contributors to an
animal’s motivation: the animal’s desire to control their
environment, their selfishness/the “what’s in it for me?”
question, and past consequences to their behavior.)
Develop and Implement a
Only after you’ve completed the
previous three steps can you move on to developing a plan. Keep in
mind that you will need to evaluate your priorities as you do this;
if the behavior was easy to change, you probably would have already
done it. Often, changing a problem behavior requires, well… change.
Are you willing to sacrifice something (time, energy, money, etc.) in
order to solve the problem? If not, the problem may be difficult or
even impossible to solve.
But if you are, you can develop and
implement a plan. There are many ways to approach an undesirable
behavior. Ken cited Karen Pryor’s book “Don’t Shoot the Dog”
as a nice summary of the options. These include “shooting the dog”
(where you give up on the animal entirely), using punishment (which
always has possible undesirable side effects), using negative
reinforcement, extinction protocols, putting the behavior on cue
(this is not suited for all problems), training an incompatible
behavior (teach a specific behavior that the animal can do instead of
the problem behavior), shaping the absence of a behavior (anything
except the problem behavior is reinforced), or
change the motivation.
Constant Monitoring
Problem behaviors may be gone, but they
are never forgotten. You can’t “untrain” an animal; the neural
pathways are always in the animal’s brain, meaning there’s always
a risk the problem will come back. Watch for any early signs that the
problem behavior is reemerging and address it immediately. Good
records can help with this process.
Great post! Very clear method for thinking through solutions to behavior problems. The biggest one for me is planning the solution. Earlier in my dog training life I would get fed up with a behavior and in that moment of frustration start working on a solution that in theory could have worked, but that I hadn't really thought through, nor was I truly committed to following through with. Now I have realized that if I really want to change a behavior I need to be "all in," committed for the long haul. I also do a better job thinking through a real plan. This means I address fewer behaviors, but I usually get good results with those I do address. The ones I'm not willing to fix, I can often just manage well enough that it's not a big deal.