Punishment is not the problem. So says
Suzanne Hetts, PhD, CAAB, CVJ, who elaborates that it is the mis-use
of punishment that is a problem. Well, that, and the way we talk
about it, which is the subject of today’s post.
Anyone who has been around the dog
world for more than, oh, five minutes knows that discussing
punishment is “politically sensitive.” Some people refuse to talk
about it. Others refuse to listen to people talk about it.
Some label anyone who talks about the topic as an animal abuser (or
worse- comparing folks to Nazis or child molesters).
There are two big problems with a
categorical refusal to discuss punishment. First, Suzanne says that
we undermine the profession when we do so. If we don’t talk about
it, we lose credibility. Whether we like it or not, punishment
exists, and the general public knows that. Refusing to acknowledge
that makes us appear willfully ignorant. Worse yet, some trainers
don’t talk about punishment accurately or scientifically. For
example, some will state that punishment doesn’t work. That’s
just a blatant lie. Punishment can and does suppress behavior (that’s
sort of the definition of punishment in operant conditioning).
The second problem that Suzanne
identifies is that when we refuse to discuss or consider punishment,
we miss out on possibly useful options. While Suzanne would rarely
use punishment as a first resort, she says there are times it can be
helpful. And even if a trainer doesn’t use punishment, she does
need to understand it.
A big reason for this is the fact that
the general public often defaults to punishment-based solutions. I
can’t imagine there are any dog trainers out there that haven’t
had a client ask, “How can I get my dog to stop…”
Scientifically, stopping behavior requires punishment. Of course,
most of us know that the best solution is to reframe the question in
terms of what the client wants the dog to do.
And anyway, even if we are opposed to
punishment in theory, Suzanne argues that many of the solutions that
positive trainers use or recommend are punishing or aversive.
For example, the use of a head collars or body blocks are punishing
to some dogs, while withholding reinforcement can cause frustration.
Still, these are commonly used techniques.
In the end, what it seems to come down
to is that humans (trainers and clients alike) have a negative
reaction just to the word “punishment.” Think about it; the words
“corrections” or “discipline” are far more pervasive, and
pack a much smaller emotional punch. Semantics aside, Suzanne
encouraged us to consider if we’re really opposed to punishment in
and of itself, or if we are actually opposed to confrontational
I find this distinction to be a useful
one. I will not use pain or fear to train my dog, but I have no
problem telling her she can’t do something, or enforcing a time-out
if needed. I will not engage in power struggles, especially with
larger, stronger dogs, but I sure will use tools like head halters
that give me an advantage. While punishment can become
confrontational, it doesn’t have to be. Punishment is not
one-dimensional. It’s not all-or-nothing, and our conversations
about it shouldn’t be, either.
So what should we discuss when
talking about punishment? Ah, you’ll have to tune in next week to
find out.
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