Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Project Gratitude: Help Zero the Greyhound

In September 2013, Maisy became suddenly and critically ill. Our blog readers rallied around us, providing us with the emotional and financial support needed to get through a very stressful time. Although I will never be able to pay you all back, I can pay it forward through Project Gratitude.

Over the past week, I've gotten increasingly anxious about Project Gratitude. I just haven't seen anyone in need. Oh, sure, there are a few charities I really like, but I guess I really like the idea of helping others that ended up in the same situation I did.

And today? Still nothing. No clue who to donate to. So I figured I'd check my email and Facebook before picking an organization and throwing this post up. You know where this is going, right? As I scrolled through my Facebook feed, I saw a picture of an adorable greyhound named Zero. And I love greyhounds.

So this month's Project Gratitude is in support of Zero the Greyhound. Poor Zero shattered his kneecap and may or may not have torn his stifle. He's in the ICU (and let me tell you, I know just how expensive that is) and had surgery today. Zero's mom has a decent start towards her goal, but she's got quite a way to go still. Will you guys join me in helping Zero and his mom? Every little bit helps!

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