Monday, August 31, 2015

Social worker by day, and, well, social worker by night, too. In other words...

For a long time, the "about me" sidebar has said, "Social worker by day, dog trainer by night." But I haven't taught a dog training class in over a year, and in ten days I start grad school.

I started this blog six years and two jobs ago, back when I had nothing to do but stare at a computer screen 40 hours a week. Now I not only have a job that keeps me busy, it has solidified my professional identity as a social worker. Then I started editing (no, Denise, I am NOT leaving you), and it's been six months since I've posted anything of substance. Now I'm told to expect to spend 25 to 30 hours a week or so getting my master's degree on.

I'm not planning to end this blog, but I'm also not really planning to update either. I'm not really sure what the difference is; I think I'm just leaving my options open. I'll probably post little snippets over on the Facebook page, but before today, it had been 41 days since I'd posted there, so...

Of course, if anyone is interested in the History and Philosophy of Social Work, or Psychopathology and Human Behavior, I could probably arrange to post some essays this semester. :)

1 comment:

  1. I have just discovered your blog. The picture above has to be of the happiest dogs I have seen in a long time. Such tangible delight on those little faces and in those exuberant leaps of sheer joy. I shall enjoy dipping into your archives and wish you everything of the best with your Masters. My husband (age 60) is currently tackling one in Environmental Law. He already holds both a Masters and PhD in a completely different field, done when he was very much younger.


I suck at replying to comments. I suck less at responding on the Facebook Fan Page and emails. Just so you know.