Monday, October 19, 2015

Project Gratitude: Help Prynne AND Help Katie

In September 2013, Maisy became critically ill. Her care was incredibly expensive, and I could NEVER have gotten through that time without the financial and emotional support from you all. For about a year, I did a monthly "Project Gratitude," where I donated to someone in need, but that petered out because forced giving doesn't feel that good. But just today, I learned about TWO important causes, and I hope you will help out either by donating money OR by praying/sending good vibes/leaving a comforting word for the folks involved.

First up, my Facebook friend Ettel. I've known Ettel via the internet FOREVER. Over the weekend, her year old pup crashed. They ended up at the vet medical center where it was discovered that Prynne has a perforated esophagus, which caused fluid to build up around her lungs, and she has a MASSIVE infection. The conservative estimate for her care is $8000!

Go here to donate.

Another super important cause. I have internet-known Katie forever, too - maybe even longer than I've known Ettel. Katie is fighting PTSD and depression, struggles I know well. Despite all her hard work, she's hit a run of bad luck lately; she's lost two jobs (and her medical insurance) in the past year, and her funds have hit critical mass. You can read her whole story here. Let's show Katie that world IS a good place, and that it's worth it to keep fighting.

Click here to donate.

Please, sir, could you help my friends?

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