Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Another Reason to Hate Boston

Boston is a very bad city. You see, not only did it steal my dog trainer, but it also stole my kidlet. I love the kidlet. She's funny, and smart, and her most redeeming feature? Maisy likes her. Seriously, there is no other explanation for this video:

This video was taken at the end of an hour long class, so Maisy was a bit tired. On top of that, this is at least the third or fourth time that the kidlet took her through the agility course. Despite all that, Maisy kept going. She didn't have to- she could have chosen to blow the kidlet off. And while there were cookies involved, there weren't enough of them to make it worthwhile. No, I think it's quite obvious: Maisy likes the kidlet.

And Boston stole her away from us. Bad Boston! Go to your room!


  1. You'd like Boston better if you'd visit. Okay, maybe just a little better but still...

  2. I dunno, Robin... so far, it seems like Boston's weather is way crazier/worse than Minnesota's. And that's saying something!

  3. It is unpredictable but does not include the endless bone chilling cold. It was in the 20s last week. It will be in the 60s today.

    For instance, we got about 12 inches of show over the weekend. Every bit of it had melted way by yesterday. In MN that snow would have formed the base for all the snow on the grown in March 2012.

  4. Also, have you noticed how TALL the kidlet looks in the lastest Raising K9 posts? Holy growth spurt!

    I'm anti-Boston, too :)



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