Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Year in Review

 Pyg had his 1st birthday! Maisy celebrated her 7th gotcha day. And then got diagnosed with entropion and corneal dystrophy by an ophtalmologist.

 I got engaged, and then realized that meant I would soon have four dogs.

 Maisy re-grew her bladder stones. Napi joined the "cool dogs club" and started taking fluoxetine/Prozac.

 After a diet change, Maisy's re-grown bladder stones disappeared. Thankfully.

 My friend Megan lost her Buzz. Pyg and I went backpacking!

 We all moved in together.
Maisy got her first leg towards her RL3. Napi celebrated his combined birthday/gotcha day. Fenced yard!

 Lola turned 4! The second book in Denise Fenzi and Deb Jones' Dog Sports Skills series came out. I'm incredibly proud and honored to be apart of these books as the editor.

 Lola and Pyg failed the CGC in a most hilarious fashion. Maisy "graduated" from the ophthalmologist. We took all four dogs camping.

Maisy had her 8th birthday. We celebrated Pyg's 1st gotcha day.

 My friend Nicky lost Shanoa. I applied to grad school.
We increased Napi's fluoxetine/Prozac dose. Denise Fenzi and Deb Jones' Dog Sports Skills Book 3: Play finished the first round of edits. I got married.

1 comment:

  1. What a great ending to quite a year! Congratulations! May 2015 keep you all healthy and happy.


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