Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Training Tuesday: Lazy, Lazy, Lazy

You guys, I have been so lazy the last few weeks. I always intend to train when we're at my parents' house for Thanksgiving, but I never do. Plus, Maisy found the disruption so stressful that I kept her home for a week so she could recover. Also, it's cold out. Also, well, I'm lazy sometimes.

Thankfully, I'm part of an informal training group that meets on Sundays, and that got us out of our slump this weekend. Here's a little slice of what we did:

For two weeks off, I think she looks pretty good in this video. I, as always, struggle with my handling skills (I seriously need to get better about treating using my left hand instead of bending over and using my right). Still, we did some 15 foot retrieves, a bit of heeling (including working on that pesky fast pace, moving laterally, and backwards heeling), and a bit of fronts and finishes.

Our trial is less than three weeks away now, so I need to be sure to get out training regularly! Please send motivational vibes our way!


Tegan said...

Nice work with Maisy. :) You're lucky to be able to share a venue, as you do. Sounds like fun.

With her bum movement (i.e. swinging her bum out of heel position) you could try heeling alongside a wall a few times so she doesn't have the opportunity to swing out her butt. However, she mostly only does this when you're doing tricky things (side steps, backwards heeling) so I wouldn't be too concerned about fixing it at this stage.

I prefer the fronts we're allowed here - we can have our hands in front. :D I remember reading an American training book that advocated having a big belt buckle so that the dog could focus on that when coming in for a front. (Here, in Australia, we can use our hands as a central marker.)

What have you entered and what are the requirements for passing? It is an AKC competition?

Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

We have entered a Novice Obedience competition with CDSP: http://www.companiondogsportsprogram.com/exhibitor.htm

CDSP is a small obedience registry, like the AKC, but not nearly as widespread. When I registered Maisy two years ago, she was dog number 760. For the entire US. I chose it because the trial will be small, Maisy knows/likes the judge, and I can talk to her and give treats during our time in the ring. It's an ideal reentry into competition.

Laura and The Corgi, Toller, & Duck said...

Yay!!! Looking forward to seeing her again!

M.T. said...

Looking good!! Sending awesome-performance-vibes your way!! :)

Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

Thank you Laura and MT!

Joanna said...

I will be sending good vibes! Also, it's okay to be lazy about training sometimes!! It's totally natural, and it just means that when we're ready to work again we have renewed enthusiasm after our breaks. :)

Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

I whole-heartedly support occasional training laziness- I claim latent learning. ;) But right now is a BAD time to be slacking off!