Last Saturday,
Maisy and I went to an APDT/WCRL trial hosted by our breed club, the
Minnesota Mixed Breed Club. It was a smashing success in a lot of
Maisy's Reactivity
It feels weird to
write that heading; I don't really think of Maisy as reactive
anymore. Still, I know that the neural pathways for reactivity will
always be in her brain. They may become dusty or overgrown, but in
times of stress, she may head down that path. Because of that, I
continue to be cautious about what I expose her to.
This trial was no
exception. I pre-entered Trial 1, Levels 1 and 2, figuring I could
enter Trials 2 and 3 if she was doing well. I wasn't sure how she'd
do because previous to this, the longest she could stay at a trial
before getting stressed was about two hours.
Well, by the time
Trial 1 was over, we'd blown past the two hour mark. We were closer
to four, actually, and Maisy was fine. Well, she'd barked a few times
while she was in her crate and I was away (walking the course,
chatting, whatever), but I wasn't too worried about that. I decided
to enter her in a few more runs. Because Trials 2 and 3 were being
run simultaneously, I went ahead and day-of-show entered her in
Levels 1 and 2 in both.
Maisy did great up
until the six hour mark, when she got a bit edgy. Nothing big, just a
small bark and lunge toward a white shepherd. (Of course she did that
right after I bragged to the judge about how she used to be
reactive!) Although I was bummed by that, she did come right back to
me. I moved her to the car crate so she could get some downtime, and
she was able to come back in to work with no problem.
All in all, she
spent 9.5 hours at the trial! Other than being very tired by the end,
she did very, very well. Crating in the car was clearly the right
choice because as I was trying to pack up our stuff, she kept going
in the crate in the building to eat her chewy... something she won't
do if she's stressed. I was really proud of her!
Ring Nerves
Another huge
success came with my ring nerves. They've always been bad. Seriously
bad. Like can't-eat-and-need-stomach-meds bad. Of course, Maisy would
realize that, and between the two of us, we'd end up in an out of
control anxiety spiral.
I did get nervous
a few times while at the trial, but it was nowhere near as bad as it
has been in the past. I've started a meditation practice over recent
months, so every time I felt the nerves fluttering up, I would close
my eyes and take a few deep breaths the way I do during my formal
sitting times. Then I would gaze into Maisy's face, continue
breathing, and tell myself that I was calm, I was relaxed, I was at
ease, I was having fun.
And I was!
Meditation is amazing.
The Results
Okay, okay. Yes, I
need to tell you how we did. Maisy and I did a total of six runs:

Trial 1, Level 1: 206, 4
th place, A nice run. Nothing to
really say about it.
Trial 1, Level 2: 206, 3rd place, Another nice run, and
probably my favorite. When we got to the moving down sign (not a true
moving down, the dog just needs to down instead of sit when you
halt), Maisy did a play bow instead of a down. I laughed hysterically
because it was so ridiculously funny.
Trial 2, Level 1: NQ, I missed a sign. No, I missed the last sign.
Seriously didn't even see it. The judge (Charlene Swainamer, who was
awesome and I loved her) was so sad. It would have been a 206 if it
hadn't been for that missed sign. I shrugged, told her it happened,
and that we still had fun. I meant it, too.
Trial 2, Level 2: NQ, Again, my fault. We got to a sign where you
halt and leave the dog and I got confused over what to do, handled
Maisy poorly, and she broke the stay. I looked back to the judge, who
confirmed it was an NQ, and took advantage of this fact to reinforce
the really nice moments of heeling with cookies. Afterward, the judge
was practically crying. She was so sweet; she really liked Maisy and
was so bummed out for us. I told her was just a dog show and that it
really didn't matter. She agreed, but was still sad. I told her that
honestly, I didn't care. And you know, I've said that before, but
inside I was still totally disappointed and upset. Saturday I wasn't.
So we NQ'd. Big deal.
Trial 3, Level 1: 205, 3rd place, A nice run. Nothing to
report... well, except we clearly need to proof against the presences
of Auntie Sara. Maisy got distracted when she saw her ringside. It
was kind of cute, actually.
Trial 3, Level 2: 197, 4th place, We lost ten points on
the bonus because Maisy did not do the moving down (a true one this
time), even though she'd done it flawlessly in Trial 2. I wasn't
upset, though. She was just so very tired.
In the end, we picked up two QQs towards our ARCH (out of five
needed), and 23 Level 2 points (you need a total of 100, 30 from
Level 1, 30 from Level 2, and the remaining from either level. We
have plenty of Level 1 points).
The Aftermath
gave Maisy a preemptive clonidine when we got home so she would be
able to sleep. I think that was a good choice, because she didn't
sleep in bed with me that night. (A sure sign, if a bit unusual, of
stress.) On Sunday, she was tired, tired, tired. My friend Laura came
over with her dogs Piper and Allister to go for a walk. Maisy hid.
When we left, I asked her if she wanted to go and instead of bouncing
around, she lowered her head and avoided contact. Poor baby.
felt bad for her, but it had been a big week for her; a party the
weekend before with 5 or 6 dogs in the house, a modeling job on
Wednesday, and then the trial. In July, we'll try another full day,
and if it's still hard for her, we'll cut back on the length of time
we spend at trials in the future. I don't think we'll need to,
though. She's amazing!